Full Version: who did it??????
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nope. i never get the extended warranty on anything
Do you know how much a new LCD will cost you?
i didnt get the LCD from them.
My bad. I thought you bought a top of the line Laptop from Dell.
Undecided arpi.... we fucked? :clueless:
were you too stoned to remember? You probably had a threesome with Arpi and Ken. Doors music was playing. A bat may have been involved.
Quote:I thought you bought a top of the line Laptop from Dell.
i have alaptop from dell. this was a new desktop. arpi.... we fucked?
you had better be joking or my feelings are going to be really hurt!
Can we put Arpi away in a colony so he doesn't infect the rest of us?

You know, like they do with lepers
the old gomez loved me. :-(
:disappointed: I got conned into the 4 year extended warranty from Dell.
4 years of having them have to come in and fix it if something goes wrong (and inevitable something will go wrong) is not such a bad thing. I've had to buy a computer every two years. If you can go 4, knowing you are covered, and only spending $100 or's not such a bad thing, really.
Quote:you had better be joking or my feelings are going to be really hurt!
so are you finally admitting that you did fuck Arpi?
well, apparently, i fuck everyone... so it's completely possible :fuggin:
We really do need a leper forum to keep all of you in so you don't infect the rest of us
i still have my cold day 3. one of you fuckers is real virulent!
Arpi's T-cell count is falling faster then the shuttle.
Hell has officially frozen over. I was entertained by a thread Arpi started. :disappointed:
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