Full Version: You think you know me?
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I give perfect directions! you're just hopeless in a car! :rofl:
No, you gave terrible directions! All zig zaggy etc., but you did give good directions the last time I needed them :thumbs-up:
thats why you can't find your own house without calling for directions?
I could find my house, just not the pizza place...I gave you good directions though!
no....i just can follow directions right :thumbs-up:
:-( This is the treatment I get for introducing you to the world of beef?
I know CLS lives in Great Neck, and he has trouble meeting people on the road.
suzie told a story that sounded like it came straight outta penthouse forums.
:thumbs-up: LZ did make my yesterday by giving me the Rolling Rock sled.... thanks pal :thumbs-up:
no prob...glad you like it.

moron and i smoked ourselves stupid at the STP show last year. :fuggin: ------> :crackhead:
lz not only has a great life, but he snowboards as well
Ski's a good writer
Quote:LZ did make my yesterday by giving me the Rolling Rock sled.... thanks pal
I'm beginning to believe FN likes to live his life on the edge. :lol:
Motorcycles....toboggans....ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF, MAN?????
Let me guess.....Bungie Jumping is next, right????
Luna didn't post something that had to do with Ladi.
Looney forgot to say something about Ladi... :lol:
Momo didn't say something about me. Rolleyes
that was my old gimmick.....i used to fuck every game up :-p

moron's cell phone tells you that it is NOT YOURS!

danked despised me at 1st....i grew on him like a fungus

Edited By LZMF1 on 1045244045
Ladi is alot of fun and I like her. :-D

Danked is a mod now and doing a swell job, I might add. :thumbs-up:
Luna gets a danke from Danked. :thumbs-up:
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