Full Version: You think you know me?
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gw may seem intimidating, but is a really good guy
danked is even more amusing as a mod
LZ likes to smooch mod butt

and that would be a NO on the hippiezzzzzz question
This isn't Nam. This is bowling... er... the You Think You Know Me? game! There are rules!

And LZ is breaking them.

*And DGW doesn't realize that it wasn't a question.

Edited By Danked on 1045254098
wuz that one of those rhetorical quezzztions?????
Quote:DGW want to know what it feels like to be one of the Hippiezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
This game has become complete anarchy!
when does the looting start?
Modship has turned Dank into a Nazi.
But I'm a superfun Nazi.
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