Full Version: three's a charm - last post wins version 3.0
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Quote:I want to go into the bathroom and touch myself for some reason.....
Can I help??? :bouncer: :bouncer:
Quote:Can I help???
Umm, nope Rolleyes
Quote:I love being a chick
:loveya: most days

it's not even cute that he keeps trying :disappointed:
you're is sad...I should just go gay...I might have more success... Confuseduicide:
Quote:you're is sad...I should just go gay...I might have more success...
Awww don't be sad....its just that I already got a hottie to think about when I take care of business...I don't need you to ruin my fantasies.
Quote:I should just go gay
don't be so melodramatic ... hmm, maybe you are gay
Quote:I don't need you to ruin my fantasies.
I'm not that bad am I? Undecided
:lol: if she said it twice, it must be true
Confuseduicide: I din't even get an error page, my computer must just have hiccups today
2 try 2 hard
Quote:I'm not that bad am I?
I don't know...but I don't need you creeping in and ruining my hot love fests with myself, now do I? :angry:
2 gay 2 play
:banana: I feel good
:twak: shut up Petal!
You so hit like a girl :fart:
Quote: I feel good
:banana: me too!
i feel okay
squinting .... hard :fuggin:
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