Full Version: three's a charm - last post wins version 3.0
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If anyone here understands Descartes and cares to help me, I'll give you a shinny nickel! :thumbs-up:
I'd prefer a shiny nickel
dirty penny? :moonie:
Quote:I'd prefer a shiny nickel
Rolleyes :-p meanie
Quote:OK, so I'm insanely jealous....what can I tell ya Undecided
;-) it's ok...i was a nine to fiver myself at one point.
I think I would go insane though if I stayed home all day like you do. I hate my job now, but I think if I had one that I liked, it would be better....
once mini-me is old enough to go to school i am going to find a job......

maybe i'll get a part-time at a videogame store :thumbs-up:

Edited By LZMF1 on 1046796566
:lookatme: Decartes said, "I think therefore I am" right?
Yep...and that cause = effect and so on, but there's one question on my midterm that I don't understand..CLS is allegedly going to help me if he can.... :banana:
[Mike Tyson]allegedly.... P... R... Q... 5... M... E... allegedly... [/Mike Tyson]
OK, stupid question here Polly. You spend all fucking day on the internet and you can't take 30 seconds to find the answer to your midterm question? :crackhead:
gee.... i wonder who is really gonna win this thing Confusedmokey:
Me. :-D
I am.
Oh no you're not.
Quote:OK, stupid question here Polly. You spend all fucking day on the internet and you can't take 30 seconds to find the answer to your midterm question?
You don't think I've tried that?! And the sites that might have the answer are blocked at my office :disappointed:
ok... so who's it gonna be???

nope.... not yet... but you're getting closer.... :thumbs-up:
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