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physically:i wish i was taller. being 5'3 is not fun

mentally:i wish i would be less shy and have better luck with girls
Quote:physically:i wish i was taller.

.... ahh, shit, now you're just daring Hybrid to post his Skee Lo lyrics....
Physically I wish I had a better physique....I need to lose a good 10-15lbs

mentally : I think I need to be more assertive, confident, not as laid back with alot of shit like I am.
... Ok, Ill get serious...

Physically: I wish I had more muscular mass, and more proportional distribution between my ears and the rest of my body...

Mentally: I wish I had more confidence.

I also would like to be able to communicate verbally.
I'd like to be in the same shape I was in in high school...

I procrastinate too much...
Physically: I'm too good looking, it scares off girls.

Mentally: I'm too smart, it scares off girls.

yup, that's it.
physically: wish I wasn't a major sufferer of male pattern baldness :-( if not that, then being another 3 to 4 inches taller would be great :thumbs-up:

mentally: wish i didn't have to rely so much on my sarcasm as a defense mechanism Undecided
Physically - I am a meatball buffalo like arpi said, so i'd like to be in better shape. I also wish I had a smaller head.

Mentally - I wish I wasn't so shy in person. I also wish I was quick witted an funny and could speak my mind more often.
physically: Sometimes I think I need to gain weight.

characteristic: To stop being a procrastinator.
Physically: Get in better shape
Mentally: Stop caring so much what people think
Quote:then they say they wish they had better hair or smaller feet. get real!
How fuckin weird....that's the thing i want. my feet are too big and it's so hard to find shoes. and once i do find shoes that fit, they look funny. Undecided

and my motivation is for shit unless its something that i'm in to. if i don't like something i have to do, i procrastinate, and just blow shit off.
physically-nothing...i'm dead sexy!

characteristically-i wish i was more motivated.......i really am a lazy sack o' shit.
Quote:i really am a lazy sack o' shit.

Geez....thanks for the fucking news bulletin :lol:

Edited By Metalfan on 1045664914
you guys have no idea just how much of a procrastinator and how indecisive i can be.
physical....i have these love handles that need to go
mentally.....more confidence

Edited By DGW on 1045667082
Quote:you guys have no idea just how much of a procrastinator and how indecisive i can be.
yes we do Confuseduicide:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
physically - lose like a ton
mentally - to be able to talk to people in person
Skitch never speaks to me in person, I have a complex cause of him.
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