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gonzo intimidates me, more even than buttmunch. so much so, that i can't get over it to talk to him
Fuckin liar, no one wants to talk to me or touch my schmekel anymore :-(
Quote:no one wants to talk to me........

*edited to make my message more clear....
<font color="EEEEEE">

Edited By LunaBabe on 1045691612
Who? Me? :clueless:
anymore? so there was a time when someone did want to touch your smeckle? :loveya:
In a galaxy far, far away.
Once upon a time......
I can't give the schmekel away anymore.
physically : I'd like to be the same weight, but convert the fat to muscle.

mentally : I'd like to be a lot less shy.
physically: I wish i didn't have hammer toes. Finding the right pair a shoes is a bitch.
Mentally: Motivation and being more socialable.
so the things that people most want to change about themselves physically is basically weight loss/ better muscle definition.

i say we start a weight loss/work out support group :thumbs-up:
we can each be our own supporters...yet most of you guys will just make fun of each other...

never mind...bad idea.
I'm content just the way I am.
Quote:no one wants to talk to me or touch my schmekel anymore
i guess i'm nobody :-(
Quote:no one wants to talk to me or touch my schmekel anymore
you should bring back the Gonzo TOUCH sig...I haven't seen it in ages...
[Image: gsdate.gif]
i like the outfits :thumbs-up: Saturday Night Fever :banana:
Maybe if I go retro gonzostyle, I'll start getting bitches again.
Quote:Fuckin liar, no one wants to talk to me or touch my schmekel anymore
i wish to use this as my exhibit one...he scares me.

although, he is a real nice guy from what i hear
That sig rules... :banana: :banana:
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