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Hank Williams, III - This Ain't Country
Did you ever download the Audioslave show? The Milan one sounded worse.
nah... you said the vocals were horrible, so i opted not to download it... there's not much worse than crappy bootlegs... but thanks for asking buddy :thumbs-up:
B.R.M.C. - Whatever Happened To My Rock & Roll?
Only living boy in NY
Jettared - Promo EP
A.F.I. - Girls Not Grey
Dark Side of the Moon
Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
Radiohead - Exit Music

cause I :loveya: Radiohead and my Dankey.
Yay! This call for more Radiohead! :loveya:

Motion Picture Soundtrack
Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On :loveya:
Unwound - Repitition
Nirvana - Unplugged
Ha... trying to download some Evanescence, but all of them are bogus copies.
Quote:Ha... trying to download some Evanescence, but all of them are bogus copies
I did that last sucked ass... Confusedneak:
Did you get anything you could send me? [Image: icon7.gif]
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