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yea real freaky that you are both listening to negro music
Shut up cracka bitch
i don't deny my crackaness
You betta recognize whitey
Get out of my head!!!!!!!
:banana: Blues Brothers - Definative Collection :banana:
Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
DMB- folsom field- disk two
get busy - sean paul
Biggie - kick in the door
Eyedea - On this I stand
Chicago Greatest Hits... :thumbs-up:
Orchid - Dance Tonight, Revolution Tommorow
Norah Jones
Quote:Norah Jones

what's up your butt?
I like it, so shut your hole. it has a nice mellowness to it
U2 - In A Little While
Quote:what's up your butt?

She is an overhyped lounge singer who shouldn't even get work in Vegas, let alone win that many Grammys
I don't follow the Grammy's, I only just heard about her
My new favorite song...

My United States of Whatever - Liam Lynch
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