Full Version: Pro Death - Abortion & the Death Penalty
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looks like someones got buddy envy
i see how it is [Image: icon8.gif]
weren't you replaced already anyway? or Hedcold, were you a replacement ...
Quote:lets just say what abortion really is.
its an insurance policy for dumb whores who can't or refuse to use some form of protection from getting pregnant.
Birth control is never 100% effective. And what about some 13 year old girl that gets molested by her father, or her brother, and gets pregnant? Should she really need to suffer through the memories everytime she looks at her deformed kid?

I'm glad both are legal, but I do think there should be more to each law. As for abortions, after having three it is obvious the woman is using it as her form of birth control and needs to be tied. (I actually believe that it should be the law for every girl at the age of 13 to go on the pill, or get the depo provera shot if she's allergic. But I know it is unrealistic to think that could happen.)

As for the death penalty, I am one of its' biggest supporters. However, it isn't done often enough, or cruel enough. I know we have some Damn amendment against cruel and unusual punishment, but it won't be effective as a deterrant if it isn't harsh, and is only done infrequently. I agree with Rodney, public executions!!!!!!!!!
dont you fret HedCold. you are still my bestest buddy in the whole wide world!!!! :lookatme: :banana: :lookatme: :banana:
obviously i meant "dumb whores" and not someone who was raped.
OK, but if abortion were illegal, someone that was raped wouldn't be able to do it either.
Quote:OK, but if abortion were illegal, someone that was raped wouldn't be able to do it either
but if they were raped werent they forced to do it?
i don't think abortion should be illegal, but i think certain things should be in place to prevent it from being a form of birth control.
could people really be that lazy,
that going through an abortion is preferable to other means of birth control?
or are you just quoting rush limbaugh.
Quote:that going through an abortion is preferable to other means of birth control?
i know a girl who lives this way. she is hot but stupid.
ken, its sad but true. turn on Ricki Lake any day of the week for evidence of this.
It's not like I'm too lazy to reach to the nightstand and grab a rubber, it's that if feels so good without one.

What do I care if she gets all chopped up inside and might not ever be able to have kids. At least my boys are all warm and moist.
punch her in the uterus & end her troubles
I always assumed that to be the imagination of conservative talk show hosts.
I agree with you Keyser, but I don't know how you legislate morality.

I am for the death penalty too,
there are some people who need to be put down.
uterus is one of my favorite words.

It's my fantasy baseball team's name
Quote:it's that if feels so good without one.
you read that in a book.
Quote:you read that in a book.
I've never read a book, and I say the same thing.

I did the sex last weekend. With a girl. And she was naked.
you can legislate thats after 3 abortions you get your tubes tied. i think thats a great idea, i'm glad i thought of it.
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