Full Version: Pro Death - Abortion & the Death Penalty
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there was more than a smiley face in that post. moron.
keep 'em coming, i am starting to enjoy this. it's like a contest to see if your responses can continue getting worse and worse. the anticipation is killing me.
What, no response to what I said?

Come on little boy, keep skirting the issue, you're just proving what people keep saying about you with each and every post.
respond to what? you are babbling. now you are just getting tiresome.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1047143241
Really disproving this whole coward thing aren't you?
what are you talking about?!?
i am going to go about my business now. get back to me when you have a cohesive tought. i will be happy to continue to spar with you when you are better prepared.
You might want to try that whole reading comprehension think you are always muttering about.
i cant, me am stoopid.
Not quite up to par with the rest of your posts, so I give it a C-
... Gomez, since you are apparently biting off of everything that Arpi does, let me help you out by giving you the tools and skills YOU need to suceed in pulling off a successful emoticon post.

Now, the images presented here are severely lacking... they are worn and outdated.... you need some new guns in the arsonal to help you win this lil skirmish.

SO, here we go!

[Image: blabla.gif] This one is called "Blah-Blah-Blah". When things start to get very repetitive, use this one!

[Image: crying1.gif] This one is called "Crying". It can be used immediatly after a thread has begun on how shitty this place is today, or how boring we all truely are.

[Image: yawn.gif] This one is called "Yawn" and is the universal response to Arpi's posts.

[Image: rocketwhore.gif] This one is called "Angry Islamic Militant", and what he is doing is firing grenades into a small Jewish settlement.

[Image: sleep.gif] This one is called "Sleeping", and can be used either after an Arpi post, or a Sleeper post (LOOOL, cuz HE THE SLEEPER! IT MATCHES! :0) )

So, hopefully this helps out!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How can you possiblly say you were better at 21?
...Apparently, everything was better a year ago...
It's all lies

I think you're better than ever
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