Full Version: Today sucks!
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I'm still here, and my back doesn't feel much better. I'd rather have the stuffy nose.
[Image: cookie.gif]
that cookie looks like it has nuts in it - I hate nuts :-(
The only thing that would make this day any worse would be if I got into a tragic accident tonight.
At least you get to stay inside. :fuckoff:
Quote:The only thing that would make this day any worse would be if I got into a tragic accident tonight.

didn't that already happen?
<div align="center">GOD</div>


Thank you thank you thank you, God. I'm finally home!
nope, not me. Soon, I think.
Sorry, man. I feel your pain.
no you don't, you're home, comfy, probably got your real poofy slippers on, and you're gonna kick back with a nice glass of warm milk.

You feel my pain, sure you do... ;-)
Why are you working soooo late and what time did you start? :clueless:
I started at 9 this morning, we're doing month-end closing of the books for february, and the reports are taking way too fucking long to run - plus, the attorneys are still entering their time and we have to bill that time. I have to wait until theyre all done so I can get the fuck outta here Sad
:crackhead: U still there?
hi :lookatme: (yes)
are you still there?
I'm still eating cookies :thumbs-up:
Hey Goat...Tax season is approaching too...have fun with that... :burnfucker:

but Vicidin is allright :thumbs-up:
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