Full Version: Today sucks!
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Today sucks becuase I am hungover and sleepy.
because i have another wake to go to tonight
sorry for your loss GW
budz loss
only met granny a couple of times
I'm sleepy, sneezy, and dopey today.

I woke up so congested this morning.
I'm overtired, back hurts, foot hurts, it's hot, shoes rubbing & I'm just having lunch

but today is good, it's beautiful out & I'm probably going to bed when I get home

um, uh oh ....... I don't feel so well :disappointed:

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1047935881
very frustated today
my possible layoff doezn't look that bad
az in i almost wouldn't mind it
going to the driving range before wake
i've only been awake for an hour, but yeah, it's sucking pretty bad today
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