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:banana: WWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! i win some more!! :banana:
the shoe needs to go on the other foot sometimes
No it doesn't, our pleasure should ALWAYS come first
Quote:No it doesn't, our pleasure should ALWAYS come first
third time that happens he can pick up his socks & get the F out
Women don't get more than one for nothing :-p
Quote:when I say I want to hollow out your belly button with a dull ice cream scoop & hump the bloody puddle, cause you're a bleeding little bitch ...... I'm actually just kidding

I'm not, fuckin poser weirdo.
other people's blood freaks me out, I'm ok with my own, so have at, Sugar
You tease me, anyway i don't have a "good dick" as you called it, so I am worthless to you.
it wasn't you Dahling!

it works both ways, you never call, you never write
Will you try not to laugh at it when I rub it up against you?
ladi, i think of baseball, it helps to stop me from giggling when he does it.
:crackhead: uh, it tends to throw somepeople off, but I've been know to giggle during sex, don't take it the wrong way
as long as I am having sex, I will take it anyway I can get it.
this is better then the morning paper

Quote:I bet you lay there like a block of ice filing your nails
yah run into one of them every once in awhile
thatz when yah pin their knees behind their head
another gem :thumbs-up:
ah my post critic
morning fucknut
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