Full Version: It's a beeyooteeful fuckin' day!
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you can make good ice ballz with the remaining snow
It's gonna snow the blood of innocent arab babies by the weekend.
Quote:Hey, I am going to finish my accounting degree, why you gotta rain down on my insecurity?

It ain't the work Gonz, its the hours.......if you go for your CPA, you have to work in public accounting for like 5 years, and they know they have you captive during that time, so they work ya like a dog.
You know Eddie, it's not all about Kid Touching.

You've got to get past that some times.
I would never touch an arab baby, I have morals.

Plus whens the last time I made a kid touching reference?

I'm not going for my cpa though metal.
I think its worth it for the 3 months of crazy hours because its slower for the rest of the year andyou make bank..
Quote:andyou make bank..
iz that like cheddah
fa shizzle
aww christ, stop.
Rolleyes baby
My eyes, have you no compassion?

i you people know what i'm doing today Rolleyes
Getting fucked in the ass by hybrid, till you hemmorage?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:Getting fucked in the ass by hybrid, till you hemmorage?

Can't be all that impressive if she can still post :lol:
here is the Mt. Creek mountain report.....don't rip the kid apart......i was considering going too.

Quote:March 17, 2003
trails open 18 lifts open 3
surface Spring conditions base depth 36 to 48 inches
weather partly sunny temperature 53 degrees
snowfall: 24 hrs - 7 days 3 inches

Have a great day!

> Click here for our full mountain report

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Quote:Can't be all that impressive if she can still post

Hybrid was probablly nice and let her get some rest before the violation begins again
well that wasn't so bad
The jokes or Hybrid's violation of you?
good question
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