Full Version: It's a beeyooteeful fuckin' day!
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I'll have your razorblade & rat poison sandwich ready
Good, I can use it to carve your smile from ear to ear
too late
You will be wearing a nice pearl necklace when I'm through
more like one pearl, Peanut
That's Gonzo dummy

When I walk around with a hard-on cops try and arrest me for carrying a concealed weapon
ooo that'll leave a mark Rolleyes
i've been galled gay and a dicklooker today

ahhhhhhhoooooooo howdy sailor
Quote:ooo that'll leave a mark

Was anyone talking to you cocksucker?
Quote:Was anyone talking to you cocksucker?
we had this fight already .... take better notes
Ladi... Gomex... take it outside.

Or preferably in one thread. Thanks.
She started it
did not
Yes you did

I'm telling :poke:
Out of my beeyooteeful fuckin' thread, you two!
You tell her Danked
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