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this just in... one of our, super expensive state of the art, helicopters just went boom in the dessert. all the troops are ok :thumbs-up: however, after 12 hours of war, we have spent millions in missiles and one helicopter, and they lost one guy,probably the janitor who got stuck mopping up after they all decided to leave. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
the person that was killed in the missle attacks was a jordanian national....not even an iraqi. :disappointed:

Edited By LZMF1 on 1048169200
Quote:the person that was killed in the missle attacks was a jordanian national....not even an iraqi.
Quote:Iraqi television broadcast a taped message from Saddam that denounced the U.S.-led military campaign as "criminal" and said his countrymen would be victorious. He gave Thursday's date, March 20, as evidence his message was recorded after the coalition attack. (Full story, text of address)

U.S. intelligence specialists are examining the tape closely and said they do not know if it was authentic. It has been widely reported that the Iraqi leader has a number of body doubles to stand in for him from time to time at public events.

The White House said Thursday that no one in the U.S. government has drawn any conclusions about the tape.

One U.S. official said: "If Saddam did not die last night, it's got to leave him wondering about the loyalty of some of those around him that we hit the target we did."
lots of stuff blowing up right now.
:firebounce: BOOOOOOOOM!!!!! :firebounce:
Quote:WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Several large explosions rocked the Iraqi capital at about 9 p.m. Thursday (1 p.m. EST). At the same time, Pentagon sources said elements of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force was moving into Iraq from the southeastern border with Kuwait.

CNN's Nic Robertson on the scene reported that black smoke could be seen rising from at least three locations around Baghdad. Air raid sirens sounded briefly, about 20 minutes before the blasts, followed a few minutes later by flashes of anti-aircraft fire that lit the night sky.
I honestly don't believe that was saddam on the tape, I also believe that it was a tape. You could tell by the lines in the broadcast, the skips and the quality. Saddam was on TV just a few days ago and didn't look that bad at all.
They've done analysis on the audio on the tape and it appears that at least the voice patterns match those of Saddam. Interesting to note is that we don't have a sample of Saddam's DNA, which would make it difficult to identify him if he was in fact killed.
i thought i heard that one of our whirly birds went down...16 dead....unconfirmed though
eric said no one was hurt
... I heard that too... "mechanical failure"..... hope its not true....
I heard all of our troops got out alive. They destroyed the helicopter to keep any of our secrets away from iraq.
... nah, this is a different helicopter, nukka...
yeah, i just saw something about a marine helicopter, they showed a pic of one of those long green ones with the double propeller thingy
They just said 16 passengers, no survivors.
so whats that, Iraq had 5 dead, Coalition has 16.... IRAQ IS WINNING!!!!
.... we need to sen Ron Artest over there.... that dude is a bottle of penned up rage just waiting to explode....
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