Full Version: Come and worship my status!!!!
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stick to what you excel at danked

Was that a hi?

I thought I wasn't worthy of a Ken hi anymore. :loveya:

danked and FN are still aces in my book.
Quote:I wanna add something!
I just made that up. Think it'll catch on?
we can only hope.
move on to a new mine.

I want "sweaty vagina" and "fartballs" in mine
you have a sick obsession with "fartballs". it really isnt as great as you think it is. i mean yeah, its funny the first few times, but it loses steam real quick.
it's not as funny when you type it. You have a way of vaccuuming all the humor out of a word.
then my work here is done :thumbs-up:
kthxbye. You'll be missed here.
i am not going anywhere
your trip got cancelled?
Say it isn't so?
i thought we were only allowed 5 lines
ugh. chicks really havent got a clue.
i dont get it . you are proud that your stupidity is annoying to others?
just to you
then you have succeeded. i do find your incredible stupidity annoying. :thumbs-up:
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