Full Version: Come and worship my status!!!!
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That's funny, you know why? I copy and pasted it from galt's posted, so he actually typed that, hence it is funny. I may paste it into his status now.
My demands for a PHOTOSHOP GOD status have not been filled

Come on now, time to feed my ego
sorry, I still have this copied on my clipboard: fartballs
I haven't had a new status in at least 1 week, come on now, this board should not let such injustices stand
Maybe someone who cares will listen to your feeble cries.
Are you still bleeding all over the place because you couldn't come visit me?

Come now man, let bygones be bygones, fulfill my needs
It was you who lost out, I refused your offer, not the other way around.
You and your revisionist history

Don't worry, I won't let the others see how you really broke down and cried when I denied you entry to my humble abode

In exchange for my status
Awww look, arpi got his status and now his wittle puppy wants one too. I bet now Gomez has changed his lifes ambition of singing opera to doing lighting for opera's.
I used to do lighting for my school Undecided
This is getting too, single white female for me.
The longest status on the board....

I added that part.
that's a bit redundent Undecided

and there's a solution to the big white space keyser doesn't like: longer arpi posts :thumbs-up:
arpi doesn't think in longer bursts than a few words at a time. his brain is broken.
Or a bigger sig pic.
Can we please focus on the issue at hand?

My status

Add now, my brilliance will not be denied
very lite, just one calorie.
Can we please stop with the jealousy and finally do something good for me?
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