Full Version: American Idol - anyone still watching?
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Josh still good week after 6 lousy ones doesn't make him deserving.

Clay is downright creepy, but can sing.

I say Rueben and Kimberly go on the "husky" tour :5:
i honestly can't believe that any of you actually watch that show....

i'm embarrassed to have met some of you... and those i haven't, i now hope i never do :disappointed:
Hi Momo :loveya:

I don't watch the show. I end up seeing the recap at the end while I wait for '24' to come on. :5:
Rolleyes yeah... yeah sure...
i didn't even get home until 8:50 last night. was learning the fine art of self-defense :4:
ahhh.... wax on, wax off.... paint the fence, paint the house... :lol:
sand the floor....

"look-a eye.....always look-a eye" :lol:
"Hey, what kind of belt do you have?"

(dammit Metal... you had betterhit this softball lob...)
"Canvas. JC Penny. Three ninety-eight. " :-D

Edited By Metalfan on 1052312791
geez.... that was more like T-ball Rolleyes
I've totally lost interest in this show, none of the people are even remotely interesting except for Ruben who will get a contract regardless of what happens on the show.
I bet Galt is rooting for the fat chick :thumbs-up:
I don't think Josh sucks. He's got a great "country" voice....which, unfortunately, is not what they're looking for.

ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOBEN better not get sent home tonight.
American I-Dull!!!!!

ahahahahha :5:

Even in jest that was pretty bad
Justice has been served. Buh-bye Josh.
I cried at the end when he was singing to his daughter. Yes, I know...I'm lame.

Hopefully Kimberly will go next week.
Glad Josh is gone. Get rid of Clay next.
NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Clay's my fave. Get rid of fat gospel Ruben, it ain't R & B Idol.

Quote:I cried at the end when he was singing to his daughter.

I got a little teary too, as I did when I heard Tamyra Monday night.
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