Full Version: American Idol - anyone still watching?
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Ruben rules. Clay should be doing cabaret or shows at gay bars.
Fat people shouldn't be idols. American teens should only worship skinny, unobtainable images so that ther own self-esteem can plummet. You can't be popular or successful unless you look good.
Quote:American teens should only worship skinny, unobtainable images so that ther own self-esteem can plummet. You can't be popular or successful unless you look good.

So than no one should win. You have 2 fat people and one flaming geek with a makeover.
I cried cuz it still sounded like nails on a blackboard to me :30:
How could Josh be a marine and get fatter every week.
These people are not pretty or good looking like Kelly, tamyra and Justin of last year. Ruben and Kelly are fat and Clay is so gay. He should do drag shows downtown in NYC. Ruben is in capable of doing an up tempo song because he is so fat he would be out of breath if he tried dancing by the end of the song.
Last night was the first time Ia ctually voted for Reuben. I always swore I wouldn't because he's too fat but I thought he really sounded great tonight.
But Clay is a cutie a well as a saint and I hope he wins.
Rueben kinda reminds me of Michigan J. Frog. Really into the song he is singing at the time, but the second the music stops, he gets the almost sad face and doesn't smile anymore.

Clay is still fucking goofy looking
.... I say Kimberley goes tonight.... Clay and Reuben the last twoo... better close your eyes...
I don't even want to think about it. Clay has the best voice, but Ruben is not at all swishy.

I miss Josh.
Tamyra's gonna sing tonight!!! :bouncer:
Why? Didn't she get voted off , like , A YEAR AGO??
... oh come on, she could at least do one of the songs she's supposeedly doing for her new album , instead of this crap...
HEY, lay off the Tamyra jabs! She is my idol, and as always, she sounded great tonite.
I missed the first half hour. Can't they just do like a 15 minute show? Do we really need 3 nights of it next week????
Well yeah....they'll need that much time to film around Reuben :disappointed:
Quote:Do we really need 3 nights of it next week????
If ya don't like it, don't watch.
My final word on this matter:
Quote:If ya don't like it, don't watch
I like the show and I want to see who wins, but I don't see the point of having it on for 3 nights. So there :21:
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