Full Version: CDIH Music Exchange 2 - The Wrath of Arpi
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hedcold, im not quite sure what you mean. which word exactly was like arpi's?
arpi's been using delicious all week
you sycophant.
I might throw some rap tunes on my cd.
I found a song that is actually 79 minutes 59 seconds.

You guys will love it.
Whoever I get is getting a cd full of the worst shit I can find on the net....

Hope whoever it is likes Nsync, Britney, and the Spice Girls an awful lot...... Oh and Aqua too.
Who wants the Barbie Girl Song?
That is like the best song ever.
My CD is going to make Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music sound listenable in comparison.

If I get Sleeper, i'm sending him his mix on colored vinyl.
if i get jack im not playing. i dont want him to have my address.
i am in! last time neither of my people sent cd's and then got all bitchy when i called them on it. you all might remember the incident. but i have faith in my fellow man. I AM IN!!
god bless you arpi, you are a rightous dude.
i'll send one to arpi. i'll send him two, to make up for last time too. :thumbs-up:

Edited By Hybrid on 1049473888
but so help me god, if someone fucks me and doesnt send a CD, i will wreak a vengeance upon thee that will make the earth tremble!!!
you know where they live.
Quote:If I get Sleeper, i'm sending him his mix on colored vinyl.
clear colored vinyl?
whatever your pretty little heart desires.

and i'll even throw in some stickers.
I'm supposed to be on my way to Vermont right now but I got sidetracked. I'll post the exchange list in the AM. :-p
who says prayer doesn't work?

You'll never go to vermont if I can help it.
You know... you could come with me...

Grow some dreadlocks... lose the shoes...
i'll wear my birkenstocks.
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