Full Version: CDIH Music Exchange 2 - The Wrath of Arpi
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How poor did you have to be to be that desperate for a singing career?

Yes, we can guarantee you parts but you're going to have to lop your nuts off.
ask keyser
Is there something I don't know about Keyser?

On second thought maybe I don't want to know
Keyser does covers of operas too.

oh you mean..

yes it's true, this man has no dick.
I bet he does a mean Wagner
Robert maybe.
How about a passable Meatloaf?
Loaf maybe.
Keyser can do no right, can he?
Only when he just sits there and looks pretty.


heh heh wbk sends me music all the time
livin life on the edge, eh?
wbk has moved on from latin spice to dru
Nobody can take her from you

Just ask Keyser, he's tried
You mean he's moved onto your leftovers.
Do you think we need to have an intervention with Keyser?

He's gone from being a board pimp to scrounging for sloppy seconds and being locked in the cell by a mere mod
We moved on dude, we're on WBK's trolling through Hybrids trash now.
But I don't wanna talk about WBK Undecided
gomez lives in the past. so sad.
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