Full Version: mysterious doings afoot!
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who cares, its probrobly something boring anyway. go watch a soap opera, sissy gossip boy.
i care, thats why i started the thread, dunce
you watch lifetime televison, don't you? pansy ass.
only if lindsey wagner is starring.
ooohhh, or markie post. she is great. :thumbs-up:
Markie post, was hot in her day.

Here's the scoop.

Ken and Luna and Sluggo were talking about YOU Arpi.

Luna sent me the details and Sluggo confirmed them.

Juicy stuff.
blabber mouth.
i dont believe buttmunch cause he would never take time out from trolling te web for ass pics in order to enquire about this matter
Another gem from the gaping pit of self-absorption and neediness.
another gem from the one note poster with the fat girl avatar
you should write for page six, Arpi Adams.
i couldnt do that since i dont have any of the info. someone tell me!!!!
Oh my!

He's not only disappointed with my sig pics, now he's picking on my avatar!

I'm going to leave and never come back.
good riddance.
Step in front of a bus.
i thought you were leaving? get going already.
Eat a dick.
still here i see. thats a shame. not only are you a one trick pony, but a liar as well.
I'm rubber, you're glue.
entertainment tonight watching faggit.
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