Full Version: mysterious doings afoot!
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no. i am glue, you are an idiot with nothing to say. toodles.
Gee, you told me.
you never get tired of displaying your lameness do you? i find you your shamelessness to be disturbing.
arpi is now stealing ladi's material.
i should kill you for that :angry:
I would tell Arpi everything,
but I don't want to see a thread about it a minute later.
those who tell, don't know. those who know, won't tell.
is that written on your panties?
Arpi, sluggo does not hate you.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAYMAY!!!! :loveya: :thumbs-up: :bow: :bouncer: :loveya:
what about me?!?
straight from the sluggo's lips......

"i don't even hate ken...
i just think he's a judgemental little two faced douchenozzle"
Quote:straight from the sluggo's lips...... your ass :lol:

I am not two faced....
not even that judgemental,

the douchenozzle feels right.
better his lips on my ass then my lips on his ass.
Quote:better his lips on my ass then my lips on his ass.

feel that honorable mention slippin away?
maynard is sitting at sluggos house right now getting high instead of looking for a job. :disappointed:
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