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The winner shall be showered with hot lesbians
Danked doesn't like lesbians, he only dates good clean wholesome girls.

Gonzo is a virgin. He wouldn't know what to do with them.

Edited By Danked on 1049376130
I've had sex :-(
Getting squeezed out of your mother's vagina does not count as sexual contact.
I've had sex with women you vindictive bastard.
I'd like to point out that I have had sex, really.. Undecided
Got a good grip on your man to hand relationship?
:-( I've had sexual contact with females.
Noooooo.... not.... you didn't... did you?

Not Daisy..... please say you didn't.
when I was a kid, I ain't gonna lie, she licked my pee pee a couple times. I ain't done that in years though.

I've like had the real deal and shit kid, I was all like "yeah bitch, whose pussy is this?" all up in the skank 3 inches deep, pounding her ass like there was no tomorow, for a couple mins.
FNMoron? Are you people serious? I haven't seen such a glaring mistake since Dukakis.
WBK? come on, seriously.
he has sex'd mad hoes
even I ain't convinced now.
what about all of those swedish girls, i heard they go around showing snatches, surely you have banged a few of dem ones
Best Posters

1. DIG
2. Gonzo Style
3. Galt

end of story. the rest of us are simply standing in the shadows of giants.
please remove me from this list
I agree, arpi needs to locate his humor again, this grumpy version is saddening me.
gonzo, you don't get his humor.
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