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Franco sux as a closer?? That's why he is what second among left handed relievers?? I say he deserves the chance when he gets back.
I love Franco, he's the heart and soul of the Mets but his rank among left handed relievers is an endurance record. He's been in the game for years, that doesn't mean he's capable of taking over the closer job today. First off, he's going to need time just to get back into the swing of things and the time away has got to have deteriorated his skills even further. I would love to see him making an impact in the bullpen but i'd say he would sooner be the Mets new pitching coach.
the mets need to worry about getting a center fielder long before they have to worry about benitez
and an the way I thought you were Anti-info-forum...
As for a center fielder, bench Cedeno, platoon Shinjo and Perez. Give Perez the occasional start in Right. As for an infield, what's wrong with what they got?? Wigginton puts forth 110% every time he plays and he's got a good bat. Sanchez is no slouch. Alomar needs to get in the groove and we just wait for Mo Vaughn to get his act together or wait till his contract is up. I agree with the idea that Philips is gone at the end of the year if this year goes down the tubes like last year did. If Franco fails in his comeback I could definitely see him as pitching coach, with Coney doing long relief a la Hershiser.
I like Wigginton, he's a hard nose, tough, dedicated player who really wants to help the Mets win and he's been playing well thus far. Dirty Sanchez is garbage, they should have signed A-Rod way back when they had the chance. They should either put Super Joe Mc Ewing at short or bring up Reyes already.
the ral thing is that the mets suck and the yankees rule. end of story
Ral, baby.
and you complain about my posts not being up to snuff? pfft!
i refuse to debate someone who can't drink caffeine :21:
Joe McEwing is a great utility guy, I think if Sanchez falters, recall him and put him in at short. Reyes just isn't ready yet. Ral??? wasn't he that leader of the cult that cloned the baby??
Super Joe is a severely underated player, his amazing ability to play virtually every position actually hinders his ability to play any position full time. The Mets value his versatility so much that they're afraid to lock him in at any one spot.
trade benitez for trot nixon who can play centerfield. the end.

and someone tell robbie alomar to try harder. i'm glad the media is finally getting on him for being so lazy in the field, i've been saying this for the last year.
It's about time someone got on Alomar. He's been coasting... shoulda kept love to Fonzie....
with the payroll they will be opening up next year by losing Burnitz, Benitez and Alomar (roughly 26 million) the Mets should make a serious push to get Vlad and Tejada in the offseason. That would plug two major holes, one at short and one in the outfield. I would actually move Tejada to second and put Reyes at short.
you're not going to sign those two for $26 a year. It'll be more like $35-40
bring back jeff innis
went to my first yankee game in 1989, i believe they finished last place that year, but that guy on first base was the greatest. i was hooked.
Put the money into Guerrero and keep Shinjo and Perez...put Shinjo in Center and Timo in Right. By then Reyes should be ready to go.
Well well well, I am back from tonights' bleacher seats..Benitez saved it...yippee...however I think we saw a glimpse of what the outfield should be. Timo or Shinjo in center, Gonzalez in right Floyd in left. If Floyd can't stay healthy, Shinjo in center, Timo in left, Gonzalez in right. :39:
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