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She's Egyptian, eh? I can't wait to check out her sarcophagus.
Quote:She's Egyptian, eh? I can't wait to check out her sarcophagus.

Jesus H. Christ that was the worst post ever Gooch you should be ashamed of yourself
Quote:there better be some sandwiches there to or i am going to kill you

Please Hammer don't hurt me.
Damn she called you a hammer
Quote:Please Hammer don't hurt me.

Fucking elitist independent scum don't call me hammer.

Sorry Gooch she one uped yah.
now you're not getting a sandwich. :21:
If you don't give me one I will take it.....
I just can't wait to meat you.

no that's not a misspelled word.
no sandwich for you!!!!!
if trish or suzie promises to spend 10 minutes squeezing my dick through my jeans, i will go. doesnt have to be out in the open , can be under the table or like that.
well I'll be there at 6 with a bag full of sandwiches. I want nothing to do with your penis.
Quote:I want nothing to do with your penis.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard this...
Quote:Jesus H. Christ that was the worst post ever Gooch you should be ashamed of yourself

Your honor the defense calls your attention to exhibit B:


The defense rests.
we find gooch guilty of never being funny and condemn him to be a loser for the rest of his natural life
Am I gonna see you tonight punim?
at 9 pm i am going to ride by the bar on my bike. seriously. right at 9
on your bike?

hmmm this and the wife post are making me connect the dots, is VG gonna be on the back of the bike?
will you be outside to wave as i go by?
I will be inside sipping a margarita, if you wanna see the legend that is I, then you come in. I am have done more than enough for you sir, good day!!!!
so be it. if anybody else wants to step out and wave, i would appreciate it.
hope you get a flat.
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