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you are just hurtful
I can't wait to check out your sarcophagus.
so, are we saving you a seat or what?
gonzo has the info
this party will suck without me
Are we doing that thing again where we don't tell certain people we're going to another bar instea.... Oh geez, I hope you guys aren't gonna do that to me this time. :36:
Quote:ride by the bar on my bike
[Image: pee_wee_big_adventure.jpg]
sleeper put me up to it!! :17:
i would never :26:
ne'er doer!
i will put him in the cell. i am not kidding!!
yea, hedcold deserves it for that, how terribly mean
NE'ER DOER@#!$#@
some people just don't know when they crossed the line :17:
you egged me on

It's so sad seeing "adults" blaming others for their mistakes. Be a man and accept the consequences for your actions.
he was the devil on my shoulder saying "DO IT..BE A MAN"
That doesn't sound like something Sleeper would do
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