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maybe it wasn't just me?

PM Weird and yell at him.
I have X-2 and Reloaded if you still need it
Ok.. so some of the bugs have been worked on. Here's some things to check over when you login.

the address is
use port 21
PASV mode is disabled so don't use it

If you still have an error message, copy and paste it in a pm to me.

And Gomez, PM either Weird or I for FTP access with whatever password you want to use. We'll set you up.
i am uploading some shit now
Oooohh. Please let it be last night's handheld video of Pirates of Penzance with bonus Arpi commentary. :19:
why dont you go cry about my being a mod in chat some more. pussy boy
I could, but I'd rather just piss you off. It's more fun for me that way. :thumbs-up:
rounders is being uploaded. it'll be done in a while...goin kinda slow. comcast sucks.
cool. I'm gonna dig around my computer and see what programs I can dig up. They might be a little old but who knows what's there.
Quote:I could, but I'd rather just piss you off. It's more fun for me that way.
like you ever could. pfft!
I could
not this nonsense again. Rolleyes
just sayin
can someone teach me how to use ftp, or am i wasting my time since i'm on crappy ass dialup
waste of time on dialup. get road runner and move out of the stone age already. or come over to my place and i will help you download.::wink wink::
there's no cable in my building. guess i'll have to come over...
sweet! come over now!
it's too late to walk to the subway alone :36:
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