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Pizza Club! Nice. :5:
Quote:does anyone have the Converge DVD they can upload? Yea didn't think so.
im working on it
I uploaded it already.
OK, I didn't.
New IP address

i'm finally getting around to D/Ling the zwan cd...
Quote:New IP address
Damn DHCP.
I'm going to upload the mix Sleeper made me so you can all share in its awesomeness.

And I'm going to put up the one I made for Gonzo and HedCold so that you can mock me.
the FTP is slooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ridiculously slow, I know.
its taken me an hour and a half to get 4 and a half songs
who uploaded the Mars Volta stuff? I had never heard of them and thought i would give it a try. amazing!!
i put the mars volta stuff up. thats not even the retail version, i have a newer better version if you want it arpi.
thats the band you were mocking not too long ago, zippy.
prove it
i believe you made a snide comment about them to sleeper, oldie mc oldiepants.
prove it!
sleeper, can you confirm?
btw, i can't log in :-(

im getting connection failed = connection timed out!
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