Full Version: You know who you look like?........
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So what celebrities have you been told you look like.

I think this could be a Ducky thread.
Matt Damon
Leonardo DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Quote:Matt Damon

That was before you got ugly.
I was pretty?
pretty ugly
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i know, but i'm tired.
Now he looks like an unemployed homeless person.
i should shave one of these days
and what, look too young to be served beer...are you crazy???
Raul Julia
two of him
daaaaaamn son
oh man, that was pretty funny
Quote:two of him

I'll admit it, that was funny :rofl:
Kevin Bacon and Val Kilmer.
every once and awhileei get the Keanu Reeves thing
this lady in Security alwayz bringz it up
john lennon when my hair was long. now just a random adonis
OH come on Arpi......
don't deny the Dustin Diamond, Jon Cryer genes.
"imagine" the lead singer of Flock of Seagulls, with darker hair.
Quote:"imagine" the lead singer of Flock of Seagulls, with darker hair.
<img src=> This guy?

I figured you had a more "John Candy with a beard and funnier material" vibe going on.

That and the whole "still living" thing.
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