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Eek! Don't remind me :disappointed:
Dude, party down. I take birthdays really seriously. Not sure why, not like I don't party hard the other 364 days of the year.
If only it were that easy......the grass is always greener on the other side, you know? (whatever grass you'd like LOL)
OMG it's metalfan, I was thinking about you just the other day sugar plum, I missed you!!!!! :loveya:
whenever I smoke, I get horny and then hungry.
When people scrape their forks while eating I get a weird reaction of wanting to stab them in the heart with their fork.
*scrape scrape*
Only cause you know i'd never raise my hand against you in anger!!!!

But I am mighty upset mister sir!!! look ---> :35:
I'm sorry - that was mean-spirited of me Sad
When people ask me dumb questions or make moronic statements I get this weird reaction. My head starts to ache and my eyes twitch, I then get the sudden urge to choke them until their neck snaps.
Gonzo, you sweet talker you :2: How have you been, my little dumpling?
I been missing my metal buddy!!!

I also get this weird reaction when i grip my cock and move my hand up and down, it squirts this gooey liquid after a while and makes my knees buckle.

you know when i read that the reaction it caused little butterflies in my stomach
I been doin it for years, I think I am addicted.

Both to the jerking of my penis and metalfan, they both give me the same reaction.
suddenly i have the urge to go buy some penis cream
Also what gets me is when people come in to blockbuster and ask when "the twin towers" lord of the rings movie is coming out.

I wanna smack the shit out of them and ship them off to afghanistan.
Happy B'day to Metal by the way :loveya:
i think i lost my blockbuster card, or else i'd have to go visit Gonzo before i move
Metal is closing in on OAS, isn't he?

where you goin :-(
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