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maybe if I were turning 136, asswipe :moonie:
South of the Mason Dixon line
You should come out before you leave infidel!!
I'm trying to figure out a way to make that work actually......but time is a-running short on me
July 18th @jacks hotel room, sex, drugs and emo music.
sex? :rofl:
could you make sure you have "send in the clowns" then Gonz? :loveya:
Not to throw a wrench into the works and get all "Back on topic", but I get a boner whenever I'm a passenger In a car, bus, or train. I'm not thinking about sex at all. It just happens. Commonly referred to as "Road wood".
I never get It on a plane, though. I guess It's the lack of a road.
I get wood everytime zooty posts, I don't get it when he doesn't post... must be the lack of zooty.
I get wood when I have little kids playing on my lap. (Gee I wonder if that will make it into my status) Seriously. Not because I'm a perv or want to have sex with them. But they always seem to step on it, or jump on it, or otherwise move it into an uncomfortable position.

Then I don't want to grab it and adjust because then I'm touching my penis while holdng a kid and I think that is grounds for jail or Hell.

So I just sit there and try and not think about it, but it just consumes my thoughts as I try and have mind over matter and tell it not to try and adjust it self and get it out of the way. Then I start getting hard, and I'm so embarassed and I pray that no one notices so I quickly try and adjust and I get mad at myself for not being able to control that.

I burp when I eat apples

I sneeze when I look at the sun

I have to piss whenever I stick my hand in the shower to make sure it's hot enough.
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