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looks like maymay needs a vacation and i mean NOW!!!
Would you shut the fuck up already?? How many times are you going to use that joke?
Maynard Wrote:Would you shut the fuck up already?? How many times are you going to use that joke?
i used it already
im sorrrrrry your highness
can you find room in your kind and loving heart to forgive me

What's true is that you're an unfunny fuck and I'm tired of you bashing me every single time that I post on here just because you're my friend. Let some things go. KNow when and where to make your (bad) jokes.
oh and i forgot that i dont get made fun of every time i post so i dont know what it feels like, it must be so hard to deal with
NaughtyAngel Wrote:oh and i forgot that i dont get made fun of every time i post so i dont know what it feels like, it must be so hard to deal with
No, you don't. But, the fact that you have some kind of problem with this thread, maybe you should just MOVE ALONG!

I don't mind people making jokes about me. You think that's stopped me thus far? PffT! You should know all about having thick skin. Neither one of us is immune. But the fact that all of your posts following mine are bashs now is the problem I.

Make up your bipolar fucking mind. One minute your running home to dream about me, and the next you're telling me to fuck off. Get over it Shelle.
Wow..MayMay u need some happy pills?? :confused:
No, I need this fuckin monkey off my back.
Hey maynard ever think of shutting down the comp and taking a deep breath, dude what the fuck is wrong with you?

You know my number call it.
\math y = r^3/3 \math.
And if you determine the rate of change in this curve correctly, I think you'll be pleasantly

Derivative \math dy = 3 r^2 / 3 \math,
\math r^2 dr \math, or \math r\,dr\,r\math.
Har Dee Har Har!
The Sleeper Wrote:Calculus Jokes
Ugh...Calculus makes my brain hurt. :clueless:
LunaBabe Wrote:
The Sleeper Wrote:Calculus Jokes
Ugh...Calculus makes my brain hurt. :clueless:
Makes my ass hurt....... wait didn't you say Cactus? :p oops, my bad
The Sleeper Wrote:Pictures from this guy's trip to Venice. I bet it was fun.
Quote:Naomi: Venice is not recommended as a place to visit, I don't think a single native lives on the island and everything is about buying little silly trinckets. Anduins and Udine were way cooler. The haze and stinky canal water didn't help.
I'd go though. Nice pictures.
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