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The Sleeper Wrote:Calculus Jokes
And this is just another example of why engineers should never be allowed to breed.

im sorry it took me so long before i replied to you maynard, i gave myself time to cool off and think a little, better late than never and frankly i think you should hear this

you know, ive been able to sit and think about everything you have said the other day. yes some of it is true, i dont deny that. I think the way you went about saying iy was very wrong though. I havent responded to you yet because I was hoping to avoid confrontation as well as become "friends" again, but who am i kidding. I dont need "friends" who are going to tell me off. I have enemies that already do that. You say I dont know what it feels like to get made fun of in every post i make...I dont need a stupid message board to make fun of me for whatever I do, I get enough of that in real life, every day seince i could remember i get made fun of because I am not like everyone else. But i fucking go on with my life and deal with it, I dont sit there and whine about it like a little bitch. I also know to to take a joke, obviously you dont. I'm not the only one who has noticed you being very uptight lately. If you're having a problem don't take it out on the people who actually care about you, you will wind up with no friends. Dont take shit so personally, we are all here to have fun.
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