Full Version: Sausage & Peppers - so good...
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i miss arpi
we all do, except keyser
i propose a keyser for arpi trade
My mom makes it with sauce and rigatoni and throws in some onions too....Jeeze there is nothing better.
so I killed off the last of the S&P just now, it was better than yesterday.

And no Keyser, no sauce.
I have a stand by my house that makes s & p on a grill, so you can get the sausage nice and well done If you like, as I do.I highly recommend it.
you probrobly also pronounce ricotta as re-katta instead of ri-got. i could go on. its gravy, stupid.
nope, I pronounce it ri-got, and mozzerella mutzer-ell - but it's sauce, just accept it.

I dated a girl who came from possibly one of the most Italian families you'll ever meet, and they called it sauce.
Dude, It's not. Gravy Is made from meat or poultry fat. Sauce Is from tomatoes, and according to my parents, I'm pretty Italian.
some people call it sauce, some people call it gravy.

many of my friend's families are first generation italians and refer to it as gravy.
Cause they're stupid.
how do you pronounce croissant?
who you?
crx girl Wrote:how do you pronounce croissant?
I pronounce it "lame french bread".
I pronounce croissant like this: no-more-arpi-bye-bye
Just because they call it gravy doesn't mean it's true, look up the definition
I wonder if his friends at the shore call it gravy - I bet they do :lol:
Thats why they call us "Bennies" at the shore. They're jealous that we know the difference between sauce and gravy. whenever I'm at Jenks, It's always a hot topic of conversation, and all the chicks go for me cause I call It sauce.
... I like gravy on French fries
Oooh! Me too! With american cheese melted on them.
Damn you. Now I gotta run to the diner.

Edited By Zootybang on 1059356058
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