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Do Italians call Manhatten clam chowder "gravy clam chowder"? :clueless:
now you're just being silly.
So if you make it at home, it's a gravy, but if you buy it, it's a sauce?

So, if you make a marinara, it's a gravy, but if you buy it, it's a sauce? Same with alfredo, putanesca, bolognese?
There is no sauce nor gravy, only salsa.
kid kinda said what i was gonna say which is this. basically when the italians came to america, they misunderstood the definition of gravy. so, basically the confusion came with the translation, however by english definition, gravy is made from the fat that drips off meat or poultry during cooking and is thickened up and seasoned. sauce is made from tomatoes or i guess whatever else you'd like to make it. in england people call ketchup tomato sauce so add that for some more confusion. but basically, if you're gonna speak english you should call the red stuff sauce and the brown stuff gravy. thank you have a nice day.
i agree with crx
should we all wear the same clothes and think exactly the same way as well? facists!
I think the people who call it sauce are more correct than the people who call it gravy, since all gravies are sauces, yet not all sauces are gravies. And, like Kid said, la salsa = sauce, not la salsa = gravy.
i don't think there is a correct way, thats like me telling you your music sucks. its a matter of personal preference.
No, its kinda like my pet cat. He has four legs, a tail, is furry, likes to bark and chase mailmen, and eats Alpo for his meals. What a great cat.

Edited By The Jays on 1059439631
I'm gonna call hamburgers "pantyhose" from now on. WHAT ITS A FREE COUNTRY?!?!?!
The Jays Wrote:No, its kinda like my pet cat. He has four legs, a tail, is furry, likes to bark and chase mailmen, and eats Alpo for his meals. What a great cat.
haha that is funnier than you think it is
Yeah, it's called freedom, people.
i'm so proud right now, i could cry.
I think you mean snorkel...
either or.
... nah, it's definatly snorkel... you are talking about when you get so emotional that drops of salty water are secreted through your eyes, right?
The Jays Wrote:Yeah, it's called freedom, people.
I hear it's real popular in DC.
You mean Berlin.
same difference. They park any goddamn way they please!!!!!!!
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