Full Version: Who will be the biggest whore of the month - Could it be you?
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LunaBabe Wrote:Why, Thank you, Sluggo! Big Grin
No...Thank YOU!
I am going to break the reload button tryin to keep up with this thread.
Ha Ha...your not going to pass me in post count here, either, Broken!!! :p
Quote:I am going to break the reload button tryin to keep up with this thread.
Have you met Mistar Flood Control yet?
anybody else notice the date on these posts?
DAMMIT!!! I want to double post!!!
Quote:Ha Ha...your not going to pass me in post count here, either, Broken

Well , I guess I am not as good a whore as you are. :p Big Grin :p
Brokenjaw Wrote:Who is this Brokendick you speak of?
he's just your friendly neighborhood one eyed negro...
brokendicks a negro???
Quote:anybody else notice the date on these posts?
you'll never keep up if you READ the posts!!!
Sluggo, you're a fucking whore.

And I hate you.
Quote:brokendicks a negro???

Yeah, and Kids white.
I'd have to say that brokenjaw might be the definition of a "white nigger". Big Grin
But k1d really IS white.
Quote:I'd have to say that brokenjaw might be the definition of a "white nigger"

Preach on my brotha!!!
Maynard Wrote:Sluggo, you're a fucking whore.

And I hate you.
Ilove you too, Maynie
Do I have to start fucking with your post counts already?
That is SOOOOO gay.
Maynard Wrote:
That is SOOOOO gay.
If the shoe fits...
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