Full Version: Who will be the biggest whore of the month - Could it be you?
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I am as much of a wigger as you are hetero sexual man.
Kid Afrika Wrote:Do I have to start fucking with your post counts already?
fuck you whitey!!!11
no...please...i just wanna be able to write my own status...
then i'll slow down...
i promise.
Sluggo Wrote:no...please...i just wanna be able to write my own status...
then i'll slow down...
i promise.
Sluggo Wrote:no...please...i just wanna be able to write my own status...
then i'll slow down...
i promise.
You can have any status you want... your mind. >)
Kid Afrika Wrote:
Quote:no...please...i just wanna be able to write my own status...
then i'll slow down...
i promise.
You can have any status you want... your mind. >)
You Da MAN Kid!!!

"Kid's a dick"

HOO HOO!!!!! i got status!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never get a cool status. Boo hoo!
"Sluggo sucked my dick, and all I got was this lousy rash."
is this where we post in hopes of getting a status?
Quote:is this where we post in hopes of getting a status?
Be carefull what you wish for...
Well if K1ds in charge of the status'. I will let his holy assholeness decide on what mine would be. Big Grin

Edited By Brokenjaw on Jan. 12 2002 at 17:58
i'm a grint Big Grin
virgingrrl Wrote:you are all whore's
how in the hell did you slip in there on page one... damn... i really gotta start reading these posts...
Quote:i really gotta start reading these posts...
Yeah, you're a whore too.
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:i really gotta start reading these posts...
Yeah, you're a whore too.
Fuck yourself Maynard
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:i really gotta start reading these posts...
Yeah, you're a whore too.
Fuck yourself Maynard
You know I only fuck you my Neil Fallon hunka hunka burnin love.
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:i really gotta start reading these posts...
Yeah, you're a whore too.
Fuck yourself Maynard
You know I only fuck you my Neil Fallon hunka hunka burnin love.
Here we have Indisputable Proof...
Maynard is the Gay one around here...
Quote:i really gotta start reading these posts...
Yeah, you're a whore too.
Fuck yourself Maynard
You know I only fuck you my Neil Fallon hunka hunka burnin love.
Here we have Indisputable Proof...
Maynard is the Gay one around here...
fuck all a yas

Edited By crx girl on Jan. 12 2002 at 6:33
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:i really gotta start reading these posts...
Yeah, you're a whore too.
Fuck yourself Maynard
You know I only fuck you my Neil Fallon hunka hunka burnin love.
and the VORTEX begins!!!!!!!!!!!!
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