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I'm glad I finally got some posting out of you fuckers... this board has been dead for days.
go away
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air?

Come on. You can do better than that.
That has been there for months..

If you would log in a bit more often you would know these things.
your internet cock is ready to bust
all over bakers chin
Paxil Poppin Chub Chub's too depressed to notice
he's all angsty and ready to kill himself like jack 2 years ago. he's about to break.
who fails at killing themselves 4 times??? it's really not that hard to do
he has like 4 inches of thick skin to cut through. i bet the razor got dull.
he tried using a spork
i hope gonzo comes back soon. jack has nobody to hide behind with him gone.
If you are going to use something I posted against me, at least get it right.

It was pills.... Rolleyes
flintstones vitamins wont kill you

I was young and naive.
mean hybrid is funnier than haxor hybrid.
mean DIG and Galt are nirvana.
does that make jack kurt cobain?
thats an insult to kurt cobain.
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