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Quote:blah blah blah i'm not gay blah blah i'm really not gay blah blah
if its homophobic to not want to roll around on a mat with another spandex laden man, well by golly call me Harry Homophobe.
Hey if I was a queer I'd wrestle too. Lots of opportunity to feel other guys' scrotums rub against your body. Not saying it's wrong. They do their thing but I just don't have any interest in it.
... K, I'll add that to the list...

soulless, heartless, finds pleasure in humiliating others, homophobe, enjoys gravy...
don't forget enjoys long walks on the beach and windsurfing.
only fags enjoy that stuff, you homo...
maybe i should give this wrestling thing a chance.
You two should go wrestle and make up or something.
Contest closed. Wrestling has returned.
Real wrestling?
can we rename it the "gay" forum?
How about "the even more useless info forum"?
Quote:"The removal of Saddam was a positive accomplishment in its own right for which the president deserves credit, just as he deserves credit for removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan (news - web sites)," Gore said.

But he said the United States "suffered enormous collateral damage" because of the questionable intelligence the Bush administration used to justify an invasion of Iraq.

Saying the American people were mislead by "false impressions" before the war, Gore disputed Bush administration assertions that Iraq had connections to the Sept. 11 attacks and links to al Qaeda, that Baghdad was on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and that the international community would rally behind America once victory was achieved.

"Every single one of these impressions was just wrong," Gore said, adding, "Our invasion on Iraq had no effect on al Qaeda other than to boost their recruiting efforts."
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Quote:"The removal of Saddam was a positive accomplishment in its own right for which the president deserves credit, just as he deserves credit for removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan (news - web sites)," Gore said.

But he said the United States "suffered enormous collateral damage" because of the questionable intelligence the Bush administration used to justify an invasion of Iraq.

Saying the American people were mislead by "false impressions" before the war, Gore disputed Bush administration assertions that Iraq had connections to the Sept. 11 attacks and links to al Qaeda, that Baghdad was on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and that the international community would rally behind America once victory was achieved.

"Every single one of these impressions was just wrong," Gore said, adding, "Our invasion on Iraq had no effect on al Qaeda other than to boost their recruiting efforts."
Let's not start that shit again.
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