Full Version: Create your own worst band list - The top 10 best of the worst
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That's right.
flea is one of the greatest bassists of our time!
I know so many people that can't stand RHCP.
Nothing against Flea, but the band as a whole has ceased to evolve by my ears. After a certain point in their career, their songs became indistinguishable from one another.
and you call him your sister???
Maybe my opinion will change if they get a new singer.
his voice speaks to my soul.
Does the new Guns 'n Roses count as a band...Axel Rose minus everyone else sucks monkey nuts. Combine that with the fact that Axel can't hit the notes he used to, and you've got uber-crappiness
There was this one guy from Pavement who started a new band and opened up for Radiohead on this tour. They were pretty awful.
Stephen Malkamus, i always thought Pavement was contrived.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1061404561
1 - no doubt
2 - korn
3 - guns and roses
4 - coldplay
5 - evanessence
6 - creed
7 - macy gray
8 - 311
9 - all of the generic cookie cutter rap/metal bands that are out there
10 - all of the generic cookie cutter neo-punk bands
Ahh i forgot about coldplay... Add them to my list.. For some reason, I just depsise there music.
I hate:
U2 (although I really like their last album)
Bruce Springstein
Chilli Peppers
and whoever your favorite band is.
Music is so subjective.

I wish Fred Durst would just die already and the same to rest of Corporate Music of all types.
Quote:1 - no doubt

By far.
Quote:Bruce Springstein
I never knew he was a jew.
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