Full Version: Create your own worst band list - The top 10 best of the worst
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Bland Wrote:
Quote:Bruce Springstein
I never knew he was a jew.
Is that enough of a reason to hate him?
1. ProjectPseudo
2. ProjectPseudo
3. ProjectPseudo
4. ProjectPseudo
5. ProjectPseudo
6. ProjectPseudo
7. ProjectPseudo
8. ProjectPseudo
9. ProjectPseudo
10. ProjectPseudo
Who is Project Pseudo? Is that the new band that Dave Navarro is supposedly starting?
I agree no doubt should have endless amounts of horseshit thrown at them
Dave Navarro is starting a new band???
Sonic Youth- I tried to get into them when I was younger because they were the godfathers of Alternative, but they just blew

Sugar Ray too
Sonic Youth- I tried to get into them when I was younger because they were the godfathers of Alternative, but they just blew

Sugar Ray too
Bland Wrote:Who is Project Pseudo? Is that the new band that Dave Navarro is supposedly starting?
Only if Jane's Addiction broke up and started touring dive bars in Hoboken
1) Nickleback
2) Led Zepplin (Yes I said it..Robert Plants voice is annoying)
3) The Who
4) Garth Brooks
5) Green Day
6) Our Lady Peace (They're Canadian, Need I say More?)
7) Moby
8) Eminem
9) Pearl Jam (Excluding any song off the "Ten" album)
10) The Foo Fighters.
i forgot to mention rush.....they may be amazing musicians but geddy lee's voice grinds on my nerves and like hoon said.....they're canadian.
Canda has offered us nothing but The Barenaked Ladies.
But it doesn't make up for Brian Adams and Alannis Morrisette.
and we cannot forget to mention celine dion Rolleyes

i do not own any chrysler products...i like the 300m and i would never buy one just because the bitch who looks like her head was in a vise while she was an infant does the ads for them.
You know who else is severly overrated?

What the fuck is that all about?
He's amazing, and you're an idiot.

Rush makes my top 10 for BEST bands. Top 5 actually.
Quote:Rush makes my top 10 for BEST bands. Top 5 actually.

Top 1
Canada wouldn't send out endless mounts of SHIT if Americans didn't buy it
Reo Speedwagon
Air Supply
Red hot chili peppers
Limp bizkit
the doors
system of a down
the wallflowers
cant think of any more now.
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