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I do love pineapple juice.
I've read that it's better for you than Orange Juice, and it tastes better IMO.

It also allegedly makes cum taste better, but I can't back that claim up.
That's disgusting. You're a liar again plus I think you ruined pineapple juice for me.
actually no, it's purported to be true.

I guess you don't swallow.
In fact I have never had that fear-of-swallowing problem... I couldn't say why. I must be a loose, unmoraled woman. But I will not save splooge for my pineapple juice; it goes down straight or lands elsewhere.
I didn't mean to drop a load in a glass of juice - drinking the juice is supposed to do something that physiologically changes the taste.

But now that you mention it, shooting it in a drink and having a woman chug it down is a pretty hot idea - thanks!
You're welcome.

The thing about swallowing isn't so much the taste as the fact that it never really goes all the way down for hours. I drink Coke or something to try to dissolve it and brushing your tongue only helps so much. There's that hanging stringy feeling that lingers. It is foul.
did you try Tang? I bet that would do the trick nicely.
You know I bet you're right.
I usually am.
I'll let you know how it works after my honeymoon, which is coming up soon, because I'm going to be somebody's wife. I'm going to have a husband. I'm going to be a spouse, and life will veer into a downward spiral from there but before I go, I will rinse down my new husband's jism with Tang.
Just fucking end it. You wouldn't be the first person to call off an engagement.

Why waste a miserable 5 years before you finally accept that you don't want to marry this person and have to go through a divorce, possibly ruining the life of a child or two?
Quote:I will rinse down my new husband's jism with Tang

remember, no ice! It'll just clump up.
No kids, please. If there are offspring, I will bury them in the backyard no lie.

I am not sincerely worried about this marriage... we've been together off and on for 15 years. That's almost half my life.

We're going to Vegas for a 10-minute hitch. My wedding is going to cost $40. Then I get a 3 week roadtrip honeymoon, woo hoo!

Keyser, I will take many pictures of all the pretty sights and post them for you.
wedding-night sex pics would be cool as well :thumbs-up:
three cheers for settling out of convenience!
You're courting me, aren't you? :loveya:

when are ruining your life?
11 days.
I won't have my CDIH cotillion until after that.

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