Full Version: Things that suck whether I hate them or not. - non-exclusive.
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O what might have been. :9:
It's fucking cold. I think fall bypassed Michigan altogether, since it snowed 4 days running which is both ridiculous and unacceptable. I require fall colors and a slight frost upon waking for at least the month of October. God is fired.
its pretty cold here in jersey now too
It's February in Michigan now. Is it February in Jersey too?
just not in your bizarro world
Splatterpunk Wrote:It's February in Michigan now. Is it February in Jersey too?
are you kidding me?
I thought that was pretty funny.
Funny as in watching a retard do funny stuff then laughing at them for being so retarded, yet they think you are laughing with them.
I want you to quit that diet of yours right away. It's affecting the integrity of the whole. You might be getting stupider.
ok stupid.
And meaner.
If it's february in NY, what month is it in stupid?
I give up. Tell me!
I was askin you, stupid.
No I was askin you.
No, I asked you first.
I gave you 10. I missed you!
ahh schucks...
this thread
GonzoStyle Wrote:Funny as in watching a retard do funny stuff then laughing at them for being so retarded, yet they think you are laughing with them.
Funny as in something that I would be proud to have authored myself.
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