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The only thing I remember from 4 years of high school Spanish -

El queso es viejo y mojoso. Donde esta la sanataria?

The cheese is old and moldy. Where is the bathroom?
I dated a latina girl once who used to say things in spanish when we had sex - what a huge turn on that was. That was some of the best sex I've ever had.
i hate when people order the tomato and moustharel and bruskette it's mozzarella and bruschetta thank you. and the only spanish i know is kitchen spanish, you'd love it goaty
Doc Wrote:The only thing I remember from 4 years of high school Spanish -

El queso es viejo y mojoso. Donde esta la sanataria?

The cheese is old and moldy. Where is the bathroom?
i hate when people use crappy lines from crappy movies starring pauley crap, i mean shore
i know someone who dated him
crack hitler Wrote:i hate when people use crappy lines from crappy movies starring pauley crap, i mean shore
The fact that you recognized it scares me.

And Pauly Shore dates women? He always struck me as kind of a fagella
crx girl Wrote:i hate when people order the tomato and moustharel and bruskette it's mozzarella and bruschetta thank you. and the only spanish i know is kitchen spanish, you'd love it goaty
the post sopranos era punks.

all of a sudden it's not manicotti anymore, it's "manigot". Mozzarella is now "moozarel". These people should be beaten within an inch of their life. The ones who instead of asking for sausage, they ask for "salseech", especially people who are the furthest thing from italian or from brooklyn, just fuckin stop.
It's niggero.
Grassy ass.
el gabagoolo
IrishAlkey Wrote:It's niggero.'s moreno
^--- el stupido
^-el gordito

[sarcasm]verdad que si, flaco?[/sarcasm]
^--- tello me el sweedisho snatcho story againo, por favor.
alguien me dijo tu eres oloroso tambien.

^--- el stupido
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