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Pages: 1 2 3
^---el judio
that was harsho. :-(
lo siento :-)
grassy ass :thumbs-up:
de nada :thumbs-up:
HedCold Wrote:haiwan is soap's jabon(it's either a b or a v....i cannot remember and in spanish they're pronounced the same)

i felt the need to make that correction.
Didn't the Rock call people "Jabon"?
LZMF1 Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:haiwan is soap's jabon(it's either a b or a v....i cannot remember and in spanish they're pronounced the same)

i felt the need to make that correction.
whatever it is, its pronounced the way i spelled it
you tello him, el friendo.
grassy ass!
el olo
when people laugh online in spanish, they put "jajajajajajajjajaja" :14:
Pages: 1 2 3