Full Version: Nuptials - Spouses, your expertise please
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your ass or your trailer?
actually wimpy wimpy wimpy, hefty hefty hefty was pretty good.
Such wasted opportunity.
seriously though. we should fuck before you get married.
Step off, couch master.
Galt not every girl, is like your's........
Comma and apostrophe overload!
I always feel safest when Alkey's around.
Quote:Spouses, your expertise please

Does this apply to bitter ex spouses?

Keep the receipts. All of them. Even his. And make sure there's a loophole in the prenups. Wink
I should get a prenup? =D

This will be fun
That depends. Who's worth more money? If it's him, avoid it like the plague. Wink
Quote:I always feel safest when Alkey's around.

not in our neighborhood.
She's not my girl anymore Ken.

I left her behind.
I always feel joyful when Keyser's around.

Hottie: I'm worth the cash. Hachaa
I think Charlie is still in it.
It pains me that you remember his name for the sole purpose of making me weep.
do you cry when you hear "charlies in the bush" in Nam movies?
Splatt and arpi together keeps on reminding me of what Chris Rock said about janet Jackson and Jermaine Dupri's romance.

Janets a 10, Jermaine is a 4, that's a 6 point differential. Finding out Jermaine Dupri was dating Janet Jackson is like finding out about a sale a day too late.
I get to be the 10
You're nice and all but no way you are Janet Jackson hot.
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