Full Version: Nuptials - Spouses, your expertise please
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That's cause you like black girls.
don't get it twisted though, I don't like smoke black colored girls, just girls with some color. Like a Naomi Campbell type black, Beyonce. Also spanish girls, and italian girls with some color.
How about a halfblood Mohawk girl?
I'm sold, where do I pick her up?
First tell her she's a 10. Then she will consider you.
I need a visual, send me pics of this model and I will grade it.
You've seen her.
No I haven't.
Yes you have.
ok let's not turn this into a "yes, no, yes, no, yes, no" debate, cause if I did I honestly don't remember.

so humor me and refresh my memory.
It was just my picture Gonz, I thought you saw it on the Doors board. I don't even know if I have that one still. That's ok. I don't want to compete with Janet... I have low self esteem and I don't like her brother.
send me the pic already, I am eager already in my anticipation.

and I never really liked Janet anyway.
GonzoStyle Wrote:send me the pic already, I am eager already in my anticipation.
Translation: "I'm ready to stroke myself to your picture"
I'm gonna have to look, let me look around.
Splatterpunk Wrote:I'm gonna have to look, let me look around.
translation:"Now that I know what you want to do with it, I'll pretend to be looking for the pic, wait 5 minutes and just send it from where it's been all along, My Documents."
Haaaahaha no really, I have a new hard drive now so I probably have it on a disk so shut up and let me look.
Faceman is the Nostradamus of the new millenium.
It's probably the disk marked, "Pics" :34:
You should write quatraines.
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